The Hittites. A history of the Hittites
including their cities, kings, art and contributions to
Robert A. Guisepi (2003)
After Telipinus
historical records are scarce until the Hittite New Kingdom, or
empire (c. 1400-c. 1200 BC). Under Suppiluliumas I (c. 1380-c. 1346
BC), the empire reached its height. Except for a successful campaign
against Arzawa in southwestern Anatolia, Suppiluliumas' military
career was devoted to involved struggles with the kingdom of Mitanni
to the southeast and to the establishment of a firm Hittite foothold
in Syria.
Under Muwatallis
(c. 1320-c. 1294 BC) a struggle for the domination of Syria with
resurgent Egypt under Seti I and Ramses II led to one of the
greatest battles of the ancient world, which took place at Kadesh on
the Orontes in 1299 BC. Though Ramses claimed a great victory, the
result was probably indecisive, and 16 years later, under Hattusilis
III (c. 1275-c. 1250 BC), a peace treaty, mutual defense pact, and
dynastic marriage were concluded between the Hittites and the
The fall of the
Hittite empire (c. 1193 BC) was sudden and may be attributed to
large-scale migrations that included the Sea Peoples. While the
heartland of the empire was inundated by Phrygians, some of the
Cilician and Syrian dominions retained their Hittite identity for
another five centuries, evolving politically into a multitude of
small independent principalities and city-states, which were
gradually incorporated by Assyria until by 710 BC the last vestiges
of Neo-Hittite political independence had been obliterated.
cuneiform tablets discovered at Bogazköy (in modern Turkey) have
yielded important information about their political organization,
social structure, economy, and religion. The Hittite king was not
only the chief ruler, military leader, and supreme judge but also
the earthly deputy of the storm god; upon dying, he himself became a
god. Hittite society was essentially feudal and agrarian, the common
people being either freemen, "artisans," or slaves. Anatolia was
rich in metals, especially silver and iron. In the empire period the
Hittites developed iron-working technology, helping to initiate the
Iron Age.
The religion of
the Hittites is only incompletely known, though it can be
characterized as a tolerant polytheism that included not only
indigenous Anatolian deities but also Syrian and Hurrian divinities.
The plastic art
of pre-imperial Hittite culture is scarce; from the Hittite empire,
however, many examples have been found of stone sculptures in a
powerful, though somewhat unrefined, style. The art of the Late
Hittite states is markedly different, showing a composite of
Hittite, Syrian, Assyrian, and, occasionally, Egyptian and
Phoenician motifs and influences.
The rise and
fall of the Hittites
The Hittite
occupation of Anatolia
The first
suggestion of the Hittites' presence in central Anatolia during the
Middle Bronze Age is the occurrence in the Kültepe tablets of
Indo-European personal names in the correspondence of the Assyrian
merchants and local rulers of central Anatolia (the "Land of Hatti"),
whose non-Indo-European language is known as Hattian (Khattian,
Hattic, or Khattic). Although it is now known that these
Indo-Europeans called their language Nesite (after the city of Nesa),
it is still, confusingly, called Hittite. Besides Nesite, two other
Indo-European dialects were found in Anatolia: Luwian (Luvian),
spoken by immigrants into southwest Anatolia late in the Early
Bronze Age and later written with the pictographs commonly called
Hittite hieroglyphs; and the more obscure Palaic, spoken in the
northern district known in classical times as Paphlagonia.
The first
knowledge of the Hittites, then, depends upon the appearance of
typically Nesite names among the predominant Assyrian and Hattian
names of the texts. The problem of the origin of the Hittites has
been the subject of some controversy and has not yet been
conclusively resolved. On linguistic grounds, some scholars were at
first disposed to bring them from lands west of the Black Sea, but
it subsequently was shown that this theory conflicts with much
archaeological evidence. One authority argues for their arrival in
Anatolia from the northeast, basing his theory on the burning or
desertion during the 20th century BC of a line of settlements
representing the approaches to Cappadocia from that direction. The
evidence from the cities near the Kzl (Halys) River and Cappadocia,
however, does not support this picture of an invading army,
destroying settlements in its path and evicting their inhabitants.
The impression is rather one of peaceful penetration, leading by
degrees to a monopoly of political power. From their first
appearance among the indigenous Anatolians, the Hittites seem to
have mingled freely, while the more flexible Nesite language
gradually replaced Hattian. It has even been argued that Anatolia
was the original homeland of the Indo-Europeans and that they
gradually spread east and west after about 7000 BC, carrying with
them not only their language but also the invention of agriculture.
There are, however, good grounds for rejecting this theory.
Only a few of
the tablets of the Hittite archives found at Bogazköy can be dated
earlier than the 17th century BC; nevertheless, certain historical
texts of this period have survived in the form of more or less
reliable copies made in the 14th or 13th centuries. One of these
concerns two semilegendary kings of Kussara (Kushshar) named
Pitkhanas and Anittas. The city called Kussara has yet to be
identified, but the text gives an impressive list of cities that
Pitkhanas had conquered, and among them appears the name of Nesa,
which his son, Anittas, subsequently adopted as his capital. Also
included in the list is Hattusas (Khattusas), known to be the
ancient name of the later Hittite capital at Bogazköy, which Anittas
was said to have destroyed. The fact that no direct connection could
be inferred between these two kings and the subsequent history of
the Hittites has been explained by later archaeological discoveries,
which demonstrated that Pitkhanas and Anittas were in fact native
Anatolian (Hattian) rulers of the 18th century BC. Indeed, a dagger
bearing the name Anittas has been found at Kültepe.
The Old Hittite
The two main
periods of Hittite history are customarily referred to as the Old
Kingdom (c. 1700-c. 1500 BC) and the New Kingdom, or Empire (c.
1400-c. 1180). The less well-documented interlude of about a hundred
years is sometimes referred to as the Middle Kingdom. Among the
texts from Bogazköy, preserved or recopied by the imperial
archivists, those relating to the Old Kingdom are comparatively few.
For many years historians of that period relied for the most part on
a single remarkable document: the constitutional Edict of Telipinus,
one of its last kings. In contrasting the prosperity of the nation
under his earliest predecessors with the decadence into which it had
fallen at the time of his own accession, Telipinus provides a useful
though not always reliable summary of early Hittite history.
Formerly Labarnas was Great King; and then his sons, his brothers,
his connections by marriage, his blood-relations and his soldiers
were united. And the country was small; but wherever he marched to
battle, he subdued the countries of his enemies by might. He
destroyed the countries and made them powerless and he made the sea
their frontier. And when he returned from battle, his sons went each
to every part of the country, to Hupisna, to Tuwanuwa, to Nenassa,
to Landa, to Zallara, to Parsuhanda and to Lusna, and governed the
country, and in his hands also the great cities prospered [?].
Afterward Hattusilis became King . . .. Thus it appears that the
Hittites regarded their own history as beginning with a king called
Labarnas (Labarnash); this inference is confirmed by the use in
later times of his name and that of his wife Tawannannas as dynastic
titles or throne names of subsequent rulers. Nothing else is known
about this king, however, and it is not certain that he was the
first of his line. The earliest contemporary texts date from the
reign of his son Hattusilis (Khattushilish; mentioned by Telipinus),
and the most important of them is a bilingual inscription in Hittite
and Akkadian found in 1957. In the Akkadian version his name is
given as Labarnas, and it is implied that he is in fact the nephew
of Tawannannas. In Hittite he becomes Hattusilis and is given the
double title "King of Hattusas" and "Man of Kussara." This
circumstance has given rise to the supposition that, whereas the
original seat of his dynasty was at Kussara, at some time during his
reign he transferred his capital to Hattusas (long ago destroyed by
Anittas) and thus adopted the name Hattusilis.
The geographic
identity of place-names in Hittite historical texts has always been
a subject of controversy, but some of those mentioned in the Edict
of Telipinus are known: Tuwanuwa (classical Tyana, near modern Bor);
Hupisna (classical Heraclea Cybistra; modern Eregli); Parsuhanda (Purushkhanda;
probably modern Acemhöyük); and Lusna (classical Lystra). With the
exception of Landa (probably to the north), the sites are all
located in the territory to the south of the Kzl River called by the
Hittites the Lower Land, suggesting the first extension of the
Hittite Kingdom from its restricted homeland in the bend of the Kzl
River followed hard upon the establishment of the new capital at
Bogazköy. The extent and direction of this expansion may have been
unforeseen when the site was chosen. As a mountain stronghold
dominating the northeastern corner of the plateau, Bogazköy may at
the time have had much to recommend it, but later conquests left it
on the periphery of the kingdom, and its security was consequently
diminished. This possibility is reflected in the bilingual text,
which gives a detailed account of events of six successive years of
Hattusilis' reign.
In the account
of the first year's campaign, the obscure place-names give no more
than a general impression of a localized operation, perhaps in
Cappadocia. In the second year's records, however, the extent of
Hittite conquests is more impressive, and there is some
justification for Hattusilis' claim to have "made the sea his
frontier." In fact, the very first place-name mentioned places
Hattusilis beyond the Taurus passes in the plains of northern Syria.
Alalkha is almost certainly Alalakh (modern Tell Açana, near
Antioch), the ruins of which were excavated by the British
archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley between 1937 and 1949. The
priority given to this town would suggest an approach to Syria
through Cilicia and by the Belen Pass over the Nur Mountains. Two
other cities, Igakalis and Taskhiniya, remain unidentified, but
Urshu, which Hattusilis besieged (probably unsuccessfully) on his
return journey, is known to have been located on the Euphrates above
Carchemish. Rather curious in this account is the absence of any
reference to the important kingdom of Yamkhad (centred at Aleppo),
of which Alalakh was a vassal state. For the rest of Hattusilis'
reign, Aleppo apparently remained the principal power in North
Syria, to whose armies and allies his own troops were to find
themselves repeatedly opposed.
The third year's
record introduces the names of two states later to play an important
role in Hittite history. The first of these was Arzawa, a powerful
kingdom with extensive territory in the southwest part of the
peninsula, against which Hattusilis now organized a campaign. In
doing so, he left his possessions in the south and southeast
unprotected, and they were promptly annexed by the Hurrians, a
people who now enter Anatolian history for the first time. From the
late 3rd millennium BC onward, the Hurrians had infiltrated northern
Mesopotamia and Syria from the north and soon constituted an
important element in the population of both territories. On this
occasion, having abandoned his attack on Arzawa, Hattusilis seems to
have pressed them back and recovered his losses, but he spent the
next two years reestablishing his frontiers. In the sixth and last
year of his recorded activities, he found himself once more opposed
to the Hurrian armies in North Syria, this time supported by troops
from Aleppo. His feud with Aleppo was never decided in his lifetime,
for it is known from other sources that he returned, badly wounded,
to his old residence at Kussara, anxious to appoint a successor who
might continue the struggle. In this endeavor he was at first
singularly unsuccessful, for three of his sons in succession proved
unreliable to the point of treason; one of the most remarkable and
humanly revealing documents of the period is a long and bitter
lament in which Hattusilis chides his sons for their infidelity and
ingratitude. This text is one of the first examples of the Hittite
language written in cuneiform, and it is thought that Babylonian
scribes had been imported into the capital for the purpose of
devising a formula by which this could be done.
eventually adopted his grandson Mursilis (Murshilish) as his
successor, and he proved a wise choice. His first concern was to
avenge Hattusilis' death by settling accounts with Aleppo, which he
destroyed after conclusively defeating the Hurrian armies. Following
this victory, he launched an extraordinary expedition against
Babylon and, according to Telipinus, destroyed the city. Historians
have found it difficult to explain the fact that Mursilis' army was
able to advance almost 500 miles down the Euphrates and overcome the
defenses of the Mesopotamian capital. His occupation of the city
seems to have been extremely brief, because it was not the Hittites
but the Kassites who afterward assumed control of the country and
founded a dynasty in Babylonia. The Kassites had penetrated northern
Mesopotamia, probably from the east, on the heels of the Hurrians.
It is by no means improbable that Mursilis had welcomed them as
allies, and the attack on Babylon may have been made possible by
their support. Because it must have taken place just before or just
after the death of Samsuditana, the last king of the 1st dynasty of
Babylon, the event can be dated to 1595 BC. This date also may well
have corresponded to the death of Mursilis, for after he returned to
his own capital laden with booty, a conspiracy among his relatives
resulted in his assassination. The succession of his brother-in-law
Hantilis marked the beginning of the catastrophic period referred to
in the Edict of Telipinus, during which the Hittite kingdom came
near the verge of extinction.
A major disaster
during this period, which eclipsed other military failures, was the
conquest of Cilicia by the Hurrians. This great coastal plain to the
south of the Taurus Mountains, known as the "land of Adaniya"
(Adana), was renamed Kizzuwadna and became the seat of a Hurrian
dynasty. The cities of North Syria were thus rendered inaccessible
to the Hittite armies, except through the Southeastern Taurus
passes, and remained so until imperial times. When Telipinus sought
to establish defensible frontiers, he was forced to conclude a
treaty with a king of Kizzuwadna named Isputakhsus and was also
compelled to renounce his claims on the neighboring country of
Of equal
interest in the Edict of Telipinus is his program of political
reforms. Citing examples of the political evils that had resulted in
the past from aristocratic disunity at the death of a monarch, he
laid down a precise law of succession, specifying an exact order of
precedence to be observed in the selection of a new ruler. He
further prescribed that the nobles must again stand united in
loyalty to the throne, and if they are dissatisfied with the conduct
of the king or of one of his sons, they must have recourse to legal
means of redress and refrain from taking the law into their own
hands by murder. The Supreme Court for punishment of wrongdoers must
be the pankus [whole body of citizens]. The meaning of the word
pankus (pankush) has been much discussed, for it has been taken to
mean a general assembly in the democratic sense, composed of the
fighting men and servants of the king. Because the pankus is known
to have been an essentially Indo-European concept and did not
survive into imperial times, its existence has been cited as
evidence that at this period the Indo-European aristocracy had not
yet merged with the native Hattian population. There is, however,
little other evidence to support this suggestion, and in the
inscriptions no specific term or epithet is ever used to distinguish
the non-Hittite indigenous population.
The Middle
Telipinus is
ordinarily regarded as the last king of the Old Kingdom. His death
marks the beginning of a more obscure period that lasted until the
creation of the Hittite empire. The Syrian provinces, which
Telipinus had been compelled to abandon, fell briefly into the hands
of Hanigalbat, one of the political units into which the Hurrians
had become organized. Hanigalbat, in turn, surrendered them to
Egypt, after the successful eighth campaign of Thutmose III (ruled
1479-26 BC). This war also seems to be the first occasion on which
the Hittites found themselves in alliance with Egypt, as it afforded
an opportunity for them to attack Aleppo, which they once more
managed to capture and destroy. The Hittite indebtedness to Egypt
for its help may be inferred from an agreement between the two
states, about 1471 BC, by which a Hittite king--presumably Zidantas
II or Huzziyas--paid tribute to the pharaoh in return for certain
frontier adjustments, but it is not clear to what extent Syria was
dominated by Thutmose III between 1471 and his death. During this
period the national unity of the Hurrians seems to have been revived
by the imposition of an alien aristocracy and the foundation of a
new Aryan dynasty. The Hittites now found themselves confronted on
their southern boundaries by a powerful state known as Mitanni.
Early in the reign in Egypt of Amenhotep II (c. 1426-1400 BC), the
Mitannians were able to recover Syria and establish their authority
over Kizzuwadna. The situation was politically disastrous for the
Hittite kingdom, for a firm alliance was concluded between Mitanni
and Egypt. This was sealed by a royal marriage between a daughter of
the Mitannian king, Artatama I, and the young Egyptian king,
Thutmose IV (c. 1400-1390 BC).
The Hittite
empire to c. 1180 BC
It is possible
that the branch of the Hittite royal family that gained control in
the 15th century BC may have originated in Kizzuwadna. Although the
dynastic names remained Hittite, Hurrian names began to appear in
the royal family. The profound penetration of Hittite civilization
by Hurrian ideas, which became pronounced in later times, was
initiated during this period. Texts previously assigned to the
late-13th-century kings Tudhaliyas (Tudkhaliash) IV and Arnuwandas
III have been shown to belong to the reigns of their predecessors
Tudhaliyas II (or I) and Arnuwandas I in the late 15th and early
14th centuries BC. Tudhaliyas II conquered Arzawa and Assuwa (later
Asia) in the west and in the southeast captured and destroyed
Aleppo, defeated Mitanni, and entered into an alliance with
Kizzuwadna, which he later incorporated into his kingdom. In the
north, however, access to the Black Sea was blocked by invasions of
the Kaska (Kashku) tribes, and this threat was to continue into the
reigns of his successors.
Tudhaliyas II
was succeeded by his son Arnuwandas I, who was under attack from all
directions: even Hattusas, the capital, was burned down. Arzawa
became independent; letters to its king have been found in the
archives at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt. Arnuwandas' son Tudhaliyas III
seems to have spent most of his reign campaigning to regain the lost
The Hittite king
Suppiluliumas I (Shuppiluliumash, Subbiluliuma) dominated the
history of the Middle East during the 14th century BC, although the
dates of his reign are in question. He was originally thought to
have ascended the throne about 1380 and to have reigned for roughly
four decades, but some scholars now argue for a much shorter reign,
from about 1343 to either 1322 or 1318. The son of Tudhaliyas III,
in whose company he had gained military experience before ascending
the throne, Suppiluliumas spent the first few years of his reign
consolidating the Hittite homeland and improving the defenses of
Hattusas; it may have been at this time that the greatly extended
circuit of city walls was built, enclosing an area of more than 300
acres (120 hectares). He then applied himself to the task of
settling accounts with Mitanni, the principal enemy of his immediate
predecessors. After an abortive attempt to approach Syria by the
conventional route through the Taurus passes and Kizzuwadna,
Suppiluliumas attempted a more carefully prepared attack from the
rear by way of Malatya and the Euphrates valley. He met little
resistance and was able to enter and sack the Mitannian capital,
Wassukkani (possibly located near the head of the Khabur River near
modern Diyarbakr). West of the Euphrates, most of the North Syrian
cities hastened to offer their submission. The king of Kadesh put up
some resistance but was defeated, and the Hittite armies penetrated
southward, almost to Damascus. The Egyptian allies of the Mitannian
kingdom seem to have been indifferent to its wholesale subjugation;
under the apostate pharaoh Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV; ruled c. 1353-36
BC) Egypt had temporarily lost interest in imperial defense.
Treaties made after this brilliant expedition show, for instance,
that Nuhassi (central Syria) and Amurru (including most of what is
now Lebanon) and such cities as Aleppo and Alalakh then became part
of the Hittite dominions. It is not easy to understand why
Carchemish, which controlled the Euphrates crossings, was allowed to
retain its independence and Wassukkani, somewhere to the east on the
headwaters of the Khabur River, to remain untenanted.
then returned to his capital, leaving his son Telipinus, known as
Telipinus the Priest, to arrange the defense of the Syrian
provinces. His task may have been complicated by a new situation
that had arisen in the remnants of the Mitannian state. The
Mitannian king, Tushratta, was assassinated, and his successor, King
Artatama, unwilling to place any further reliance on Egypt, turned
to Assyria for an alliance against the Hittites. Meanwhile,
Suppiluliumas returned to complete his conquest of Syria, capturing
Carchemish after an eight-day siege. Telipinus now became king of
Aleppo and his brother, Piyasilis (Shar-Kushukh), king of
Carchemish. It remained only for Suppiluliumas to obtain control
over the old Mitannian capital at Wassukkani, which he did,
installing a son of the murdered Tushratta as vassal ruler of a
buffer state between himself and the Assyrians.
During this last
campaign an incident occurred that illustrates the elevated status
then accorded the Hittite king as a result of his conquests. While
Suppiluliumas was encamped before Carchemish, a messenger arrived
from the queen of Egypt with a proposal that he should send one of
his sons to become her husband. Suppiluliumas agreed to her request
and sent her one of his sons, but he was murdered when he reached
Egypt. The identity of this queen is uncertain. She may have been
Ankhesenamen (Ankhesenpaaten), the widow of Tutankhamen who was
compelled to marry the ambitious courtier-priest Ay, thus
legitimizing his usurpation of the throne. Alternatively, she may
have been Meritaton, daughter of Akhenaton and widow of his
successor Smenkhkare. Shortly afterward Suppiluliumas himself died
of a pestilence. His eldest son and successor, Arnuwandas II, also
died, and the throne descended to the young and inexperienced
Mursilis II.
The first
Hittite misfortune after the accession of Mursilis II was the loss
of the small vassal kingdom based on Wassukkani, the last remnant of
the once-powerful Mitannian state. It was invaded and occupied by
the Assyrians under Ashur-uballit I (c. 1354-18 BC), who thus was
able to establish a frontier with Syria on the Euphrates. Carchemish
and Aleppo, however, remained loyal to the Hittites, enabling
Mursilis to face a new threat from his possessions in southwestern
Anatolia. Arzawa, with its satellites Mira, Kuwaliya, Hapalla, and
the "Land of the River Seha," rose in revolt. A detailed account
survives of the two-year campaign in which young Mursilis suppressed
this insurrection, killing the Arzawan king and installing Hittite
governors as rulers of the several kingdoms. Meanwhile, a threat
from the north proved more difficult. The Kaska, who now inhabited
the remote mountain valleys between the Hittite homeland and the
Black Sea, seem to have been continually in revolt. Their tribal
organization and guerrilla tactics prevented the Hittites from
conclusive conquest of the country, despite yearly Hittite
campaigns. Unrest in Kaska country seems also to have affected the
rather nebulous state of Azzi-Hayasa, a client kingdom farther to
the east on the upper Lycus River. Suppiluliumas had suffered a good
deal of trouble from these people early in his reign, and in the
seventh year of Mursilis' reign they again revolted. The king, who
was attending to his religious duties at Kummanni (Comana),
entrusted their pacification to one of his generals. While the king
was at Kummanni, he was joined by his brother Piyasilis, king of
Carchemish, who was taken ill and died; his death sparked off a
revolt in Syria supported by Egypt and Assyria, but the appearance
of the king himself at the head of his imperial army proved
sufficient to suppress it. Mursilis reigned for 25 years (c. 1345-20
BC, or possibly from 1321 or 1317) and bequeathed to his successor,
Muwatallis, a substantial empire, securely surrounded by dependent
Early in the
reign of Muwatallis, Egypt, under its 19th-dynasty kings, began to
recover its imperialist ambitions. Seti I (c. 1290-79 BC) led his
army into Canaan to restore the system of colonial administration,
which had been relinquished in the time of Akhenaton, and advanced
as far as Kadesh (modern Tall an-Nabi Mind) on the Orontes River. A
confrontation between the two powers was avoided until the end of
his reign. On the accession of Ramses II in 1279 BC, however, a
clash between them became imminent, and Muwatallis enlisted the
support of his allies. (The Hittite records at this time are
fragmentary, but Egyptian scribes mention for the first time the
Dardanians, familiar from Homer's Iliad, and the Philistines.) The
Hittite and Egyptian armies met at Kadesh about 1275 BC, and the
battle that followed is one of the first in history of which a
tactical description has survived. The Hittite specialist O.R.
Gurney summarizes the Egyptian text as follows: The Hittite army
based on Kadesh succeeded in completely concealing its position from
the Egyptian scouts; and as the unsuspecting Egyptians advanced in
marching order towards the city and started to pitch their camp, a
strong detachment of Hittite chariotry passed round unnoticed behind
the city, crossed the river Orontes, and fell upon the center of the
Egyptian column with shattering force. The Egyptian army would have
been annihilated, had not a detached Egyptian regiment arrived most
opportunely from another direction and caught the Hittites unawares
as they were pillaging the camp. This lucky chance enabled the
Egyptian king to save the remainder of his forces and to represent
the battle as a great victory. (From O.R. Gurney, The Hittites,
Penguin Books, 1952.)Evidently, the battle was inconclusive, as
Muwatallis subsequently advanced as far south as Damascus, and the
Hittites maintained their ascendancy in Syria. The king then found
it necessary to transfer his residence to Dattassa, a city somewhere
in the Taurus area, and he assigned the government of his northern
provinces to his brother Hattusilis. When Muwatallis died and was
succeeded by his son, Urhi-Teshub (Mursilis III), the boy's uncle
became a rival to the throne and, after a seven-year quarrel, forced
him into exile in Syria.
The accession of
Hattusilis III about 1266 BC inaugurated a period of relative peace
and prosperity. Relations steadily improved between the Hittites and
Egypt, perhaps as a result of their mutual interest in protecting
themselves against Assyria. In 1259 Hattusilis negotiated a famous
treaty with Ramses II, assuring the peace and security of the Levant
state. Thirteen years later, a further bond was created by the
marriage of his daughter to the pharaoh. This girl's mother was
Puduhepa (Pudu-Kheba), the daughter of a Kizzuwadnian priest, whom
Hattusilis had married. Puduhepa was evidently a woman of strong
character who governed alongside her husband; together they
reoccupied and rebuilt the old capital city at Hattusas, ordered the
recopying of the national archives, and instituted constitutional
reforms. Among the many surviving texts from this reign, one appears
to be the king's personal apologia justifying his seizure of the
throne and his displacement of Urhi-Teshub, the legitimate heir.
during this period appears to have been plotting with
Kadashman-Enlil II, Kassite king of Babylonia (c. 1264-55 BC), and
this was probably responsible for deteriorating relations between
the two kings. Kurunta, another son of Muwatallis, was installed as
Great King of a state centred on the city of Tarhuntassa, probably
southwest of Konya, with equal status to the ruler of Carchemish;
the city would have served as a base for operations farther west.
This may be connected with events referred to in a document known as
the Tawagalawas Letter that describes a Hittite campaign in the
Lukka lands and the activities there of a certain Piyamaradus.
Piyamaradus used Millawanda (possibly Miletus) as his base; that
city was a dependency of Ahhiyawa, a large and formidable country,
the identity and geographic location of which have been the subject
of prolonged controversy. Some scholars identify the Ahhiyawans with
the Achaeans of Homer, or at least with some subdivision of the
Mycenaean world, while others place them on Rhodes or on the
Anatolian mainland north of Assuwa, identifying the Ahhiyawans as
ancestors of the Trojans.After the death of Hattusilis, his son
Tudhaliyas IV (c. 1240-10 BC) extended his father's reforms to the
structure and institutions of the Hittite state religion. In this he
was much influenced by his mother, Puduhepa, who became coregent
with Tudhaliyas. It was probably during their reign that the rock
reliefs depicting a Hurrian pantheon were carved at Yazlkaya, near
Bogazköy. Tudhaliyas engaged in an unsuccessful attempt to curb the
growing power of Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyria (c. 1233-1197 BC),
which led to rebellion in Syria (Ugarsit). A bronze tablet excavated
at Bogazköy in 1986 records a treaty between Tudhaliyas IV and his
cousin Kurunta of Tarhuntassa, who later may have rebelled.
Little is known
about Arnuwandas III and Suppiluliumas II, who succeeded Tudhaliyas,
and these final episodes in the saga of Hittite history are
difficult to reconstruct. To the latter reign can be dated a
maritime expedition, perhaps involving Cyprus, and the earliest
Hieroglyphic Hittite inscriptions of any length. The Phrygian
invasion of Asia Minor must already have started, and throughout the
Middle East a mass movement of peoples had begun that was destined
not only to destroy the Hittite empire but also to sweep the
Hittites out of their homeland on the Anatolian plateau and into
Anatolia from
the end of the Hittite Empire to the Achaemenian Period
With the end of
the Hittite empire, Anatolia and the whole of the ancient Middle
East were severely shaken. Migratory groups of the Sea Peoples
moving along the south coast of Anatolia and the seashore of Syria
and Palestine caused great havoc and upheaval. The Sea Peoples
followed the ancient trade route between the Greek Mycenaean world
and the coastal cities of Syria, the commercial centers of the
Middle East. The geographic characteristics of Anatolia facilitated
the west-east connection, while the mountain ranges along the
northern Black Sea coast and the southern Mediterranean hampered the
traffic between north and south.
functioned as a bridge connecting the Greek world in the West with
the great empires of the East. When migrating groups passed over
this bridge, some of their people often remained and settled, as had
occurred when the Hittites entered Anatolia. The Phrygians arrived
in a similar manner, either in connection with or after the fall of
the Hittite empire. The newcomers readily adapted themselves to an
existing cultural pattern, and the geography of the country gave
rise to the growth of a great number of small local powers and petty
Written records
are few for the period between c. 1200 and 1000 BC, and the picture
is not always clear, but archaeological evidence sheds some light on
the new political divisions that emerged in Anatolia after the
breakup of the Hittite empire. A number of Greek city-states were
established on the western (Aegean) coast, among them Miletus,
Priene, and Ephesus. The southern part of this area became known as
Ionia, the northern part as Aeolis. The early history of these
cities is known mainly from archaeological finds and from scattered
remarks in the writings of later Greek historians. Most of western
and central Anatolia was occupied by the Phrygians. In the northeast
were the Kaska, who probably had participated in the dismemberment
of the Hittite empire. In the southeast were the Luwians, related
culturally and ethnically to the Hittites. They were organized in a
number of small neo-Hittite states (including Carchemish, Malatya,
Tabal, and Que) that extended into northern Syria. For the eastern
region, archaeological evidence is supplemented by Assyrian texts
and by about 150 neo-Hittite Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions.
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